Osteochondrosis — a common disease of the spine, which is characterized by degenerative changes in the structure of cartilage discs and the bone basis. Pathology manifests itself essentially after 30 years.

Symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease may be different, which significantly hinders the process of make a diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
Feature of the disease
The cervical division consists of the vertebrae and nerve endings. Osteochondrosis this area arises in the rebirth of the prolapse of the nucleus. When this beam pathology affects the nerve endings and major blood vessels.
Disease well masquerades as other disorders because the symptoms of degenerative disc disease are characterized by bouts of headaches, and also the emergence of a significant discomfort in the neck area. Patients complain of problems with pressure and nausea. Often many confuse similar symptoms with heart disease and blood vessels.
Often on the background of the ongoing problems, the patient begins to dramatically lose consciousness, there is a lack of air and the numbness of the tongue. Most often the disease is diagnosed in people aged after 30 years, which is due to the constant dynamic and static load. Recently, these disorders observed in adolescents.
The degree of development of
Symptoms and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is largely dependent on the degree of development of the disease. In the first phase of the disturbed nutrition of cartilage, which occurs private of certain enzymes, which differ in adverse effects. A person feels a strong nausea. Get rid of similar symptomatology help you rely on the daily morning exercise.
On the second stage of the harmful effect of pathological enzymes constantly increasing, and in the body begins to develop inflammation. Tissue Cartilage gradually wears, thus the vertebrae are starting to come into contact, zadamlya nerve endings. Painful sensations are more pronounced. A person becomes very difficult to work.
The third stage is beginning to form growths and growths on the bones. Symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease in this case manifested in the form of intense painful feelings. There has been a violation of metabolism, so on the spine, in the area of occurrence of the inflammation, they begin to store salt. Begins the process of ossification of the vertebrae, which sees the progressive development of intervertebral hernia.

It is not always possible to immediately determine the stage of the disease according to the available symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease, because the degree of tissue destruction may not match the available featured.
The causes of
Before figure out the symptoms and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease, you need to understand exactly what factors affect the education of the defective process. The development of the disease affect pathological and physiological processes, which are closely linked to each other and solve particular in the whole.
Physiological changes may be induced by irreversible age processes in the cartilage. Discomfort arises when irritation of the nerve endings. Pathological changes arise due to improper nutrition and a sedentary way of life. Basically similar disorders occur in adolescents and middle-aged people.
In some cases of osteochondrosis can go it alone, helena is manifested in the form of short-term disorders. The main provoking factors should be advised on the following:
- lack of regular physical exertion;
- overweight;
- frequent stay in an uncomfortable position;
- incorrectly matched the pillow helena mattress;
- nervous tension;
- hypothermia;
- injuries of the neck and throat.
The cause of the development of degenerative disc disease can be congenital anomalies, as well as various kinds of autoimmune diseases.
The main symptoms

In the area of the neck there is a large amount of blood vessels and nerve endings. For this reason, the symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical and thoracic department are associated with ischemia of the individual parts of the brain. In addition, the nerve endings that support the musculoskeletal system activity and sensitivity of the shoulder girdle and upper limbs, while squeezing the fused vertebrae can cause a variety of manifestations. Symptoms and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is largely dependent on what exactly is the system affected by the morbid process. In particular, we can draw attention to these symptoms:
- violation of microcirculation of blood while squeezing the vertebral arteries;
- symptoms of lesions of the nerve endings;
- severe neurotic pathology in the more advanced cases.
The first symptom of these thoracic degenerative disc disease of the spine is the presence of painful sensations in the neck, back of the neck and collar area. Localization of pain may be more widespread, provoking a strong migraine. The character of the painful feelings depends largely on the focus of lesion and the severity of the disease. In the initial stages of the development of the disease the discomfort can quickly take place, gradually the pain gets chronic, pain character. In the period of acute pain becomes shooting, increases the tone of the muscles in the neck area and to limit the movement of the head.
Among the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease in women and men can be distinguished the presence of ringing and humming in the ears as well as nasal. In some cases there has been a deterioration of hearing. All these manifestations are associated with a decrease in blood flow.
Also among the main symptoms can be distinguished as follows:
- dizziness,
- pressure changes,
- the lack of air,
- nausea,
- violation of view.
Dizziness are considered as one of the symptoms of these thoracic degenerative disc disease. Are Caused by disruption of blood flow to the organs, provides the balance your body. Lack of air may be due to irritation of the nerve endings, involved in the regulation of the breathing process. Patients often complain that they cannot breathe a full breast. In some cases, the symptoms of deteriorating to severe dyspnea helena bouts of shortness of breath.
The lack of oxygen associated with impaired breathing, is the main cause of increased fatigue, reduced attention and problems with memory. In some cases, there may be nausea, which is caused by impaired blood circulation to certain parts of the brain. Sometimes it can be accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite, decline in body weight.
Symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine are manifested as deterioration of visual acuity. However, for such violation occurs quite rarely. It is worth mentioning that the management of medical gymnastics and wearing glasses do not give the desired result, and the vision improves only after making the treatment of degenerative disc disease.

Unstable pressure is caused by the violation of blood circulation in the area of the brain responsible for the functioning of the vascular musculoskeletal center. In some cases, one can observe a slight increase in temperature and local redness of the skin sheets.
It is very important to timely recognize the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease. A feeling of discomfort and pain occurs, not always, this is the reason why it is important to undertake a comprehensive examination and appropriate treatment. It is worth noting that in each patient there was crunching and the distinctive "click" when moving the neck and just on this basis it is possible to recognize the progress of the pathology.
The implementation of diagnosis
When symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease treatment is absolutely necessary to start immediately, this is the reason why it is advisable to immediately consult with a neurologist. To determine the cause of existing symptoms necessarily requires a comprehensive examination.
During the examination with the implementation of the neurological tests, the doctor assesses the degree of mobility and soreness in the neck area, as well as the function of blood circulation in the vertebral artery. Among the main methods of diagnosis is necessary to highlight the following:
- radiography of the vertebrae of the cervical,
- discography,
- tomography,
- myelography,
- ultrasonic Doppler.
All this will allow to determine the localization of the lesions and the degree of neglect of the disease, and also pick up the most effective scheme of implementation of the therapy. The process of treatment is quite long and requires patience.
Fully restore the cartilage structure is impossible, however, there is the opportunity to significantly improve the quality of life and get rid of chronic pain. It is very important to find a course of disease that, in the event necessary, adjust the treatment program and to predict the possible improvement of the helena complications.
Function treatment
Outside depending on the available symptoms, the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is carried out by using conservative methods, and it always comprehensive. Requires the use of the drug drugs, in particular:
- anti-inflammatory means,
- analgesics,
- corticosteroids,
- relaxation of the muscles,
- vitamin complexes.

In severe cases, prescribe novocaine blockade of the guests on the biggest pain. Sometimes it can be shown that the introduction of the hormonal agents. In addition, it is shown the local treatment, which includes the application of warming ointments and gels. A good effect has physical therapy and therapeutic physical training. These methods allow you to very quickly and efficiently strengthen the muscles of the neck. However, the use is possible only after remitting the acute period.
To increase the lumen between the vertebrae is referred to the hardware pulling the spinal column. In severe cases it is necessary to perform surgical intervention, however, it must be for the appropriate indications.
Therapy can be by wearing orthopedic collar Trench. Thanks to the solid fixation of the cervical vertebrae treatment is done much faster. This device allows you to more quickly cope with painful feelings, normalize the blood circulation in the neck area and improve the overall health status of the patient.
Medical therapy
Depending on the symptoms of these thoracic degenerative disc disease treatment drug drugs is set individually. Therapy is aimed at the elimination of painful sensations, inflammation, as well as the return of normal mobility of the vertebrae and the blood circulation.
Among the main groups of drugs it is necessary to draw attention to the following:
- analgesics;
- anti-inflammatory;
- chondroprotectors;
- muscle relaxant — relax muscles and are used as auxiliary means to remove the painful feelings;
- vitamin complexes.
The necessary resources for external use, which you can use in the form of ointments and gels. Good effect have "Nurofen" and "Voltaren". Help normalize blood circulation, to remove the painful sensations and cramps, but also produce a warm effect.
Will help to remove the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease spine treatment medication, normalization of blood circulation in the brain. For the improvement of metabolic processes in the brain, and also the recovery of thinking and memory are required substances used means.
Physiotherapy techniques
Quickly and effectively help you remove existing symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease at home treatment using special therapeutic exercises. In addition to the exercise therapy and the application of the drug drugs, a set of activities includes the following methods of exposure:

- pulling of the spine,
- massage,
- physiotherapy impact.
Traction of the vertebrae pillar allow you to increase the distance between the vertebrae. However, you must remember that the load must be metered. Exposure is carried out in various ways, in particular with the use of special tables.
Very good results gives the massage. A similar procedure normalizes the blood circulation, nutrition and gas exchange of the cartilage. In addition, with the help of massage, you can eliminate the effort of the muscles, and cramps, to get rid of painful sensations.
Physiotherapy exposure involves the use of various resources, such as:
- laser exposure,
- the magnetic field,
- ultrasound,
- the low-frequency current.
In some cases, also apply and cure drugs in combination with physiotherapy impact, which increases their efficiency and prevents the occurrence of unwanted manifestations.
Acupuncture allows you to amplify the helena multiple inhibitory processes in the body by the impact on biologically active points. The greatest efficiency of all these measures is achieved at the time of their comprehensive application.
Folk methods
Upon the occurrence of the first symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease treatment at home involves the application of therapeutic baths, which allow you to quickly remove painful sensations and inflammations. In addition, they will take care of the relaxation of the spine. Water procedures should be carried out through the day, and the course of treatment is 15-20 procedures.
Into the water for a bath, you can add the decoction of mint, chamomile, birch, lemon balm or sage. For the reception inside well suited the infusion of yarrow, because it helps to quickly eliminate inflammation, painful sensations and cramps. Like the wraps, you can use a solution of sea salt. Quickly helps to remove the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease treatment at home, but before using any resources and techniques, it is imperative to consult with a doctor to avoid the occurrence of complications.
The implementation of the prevention

The best method of prevention is a healthy lifestyle and the formation of holding your body since childhood. In order to implement prevention it is recommended:
- adjustment exclusive catering;
- the use of orthopedic pillows and mattresses for sleep;
- smooth lifting weights.
The original form of the incidence of the disease basically has a more pronounced symptomatology. Upon the occurrence of the pain whining character in the area of the sternum is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.